The Strand Study Bible


25. Seven wonders of the Eternal State (Revelation 21 Subject Head) 26. In everything give thanks (I Thess 5:18) 27. Did God create evil ? (Gen 2:9 and Mk 5:13) 28. Two kinds of evil in the world (Prov 29:2) 29. Evolution –the fairy tale of grown-ups (began in Greece c. 550 BC) (Gen 1:11,24b, Job 26:7, Judg 14:8, Eccl 1:9,13 Mt 12:12, Mk 5:25, Jn 4:24b, II Pet 3:3 and Religious Note after Dan 8:27) 30. Evolutionists and environmentalists (Acts 17:18a,b) 31. Exegesis verses eisegesis (I Cor 2:13 – point #4) 32. Four testimonies to the existence of God (Heb 1:2) 33. Why the extra biblical books of the OT are not biblical (Lk 11:51, Josh 10:13/II Sam 1:18 and Psa 12:6-7) F 1. What is a fable ? (Judg 9:7 Subject Head) 2. Four roadblocks that will cause us to fail others (Exo 17:9 – point #3) 3. The doctrine of faith ( DEUTERONOMY “MINI” SERIES) 4. There are two kinds of faith in the Bible (Deut 32:20 and James 2:14b) 5. Transferable faith (Acts 3:8) 6. How to keep your faith from faltering (Jms 1:8) 7. The doctrine of fasting (Isa 58:3,5,6,9) 8. The only fast required by law (Lev 16:29) 9. The first time God uses the term “ FATHER ” to describe His person (Deut 1:31 & 32:6) 10. How to make your Heavenly FATHER your helpful FRIEND (Lk 11:5) 11. Seven characteristics of a good father (Lk 15:11 Subject Head) 12. What does it mean to “ fear ” the Lord? (Prov 1:7) 13. How to manage your fears (Lk 12:22,25) 14. The seven feasts of Israel (Lev 23:2) 15. The Genesis Flood (Psa 104:6-9, Job 22:16 and II Pet 3:3) 16. Four similarities between the time right before the event of the Flood and the Return of CHRIST (Gen 6:1/Mt 24:37-39 and Lk 17:26-27) 17. The first flower mentioned in Scripture (I Ki 7:19,26) 18. How to become the focus of God’s attention (the apple of His eye) (Psa 17:8) 19. Three words that define a fool (Prov 9:13) 20. What does it take to be called a fool by God? (Mt 23:17,19) 21. The doctrine of foreknowledge (I Pet 1:2a, I Thess 1:4, Rom 8:29a,b, Psa 139:16 and Jere 1:5b) 22. Forgiveness (Lk 17:3,4b, Mt 18:34 and Job 42:6,7a) 23. Framework Creation view (Gen 1:1b & Isa 54:9) 24. Freewill (Gen 2:17b & 3:22 and Jms 1:14) 25. Seven observations of friendship (Prov 17:17 and SOS 1:2a) 26. “ Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them ” (Mt 3:8-10 & 7:15-23 & 12:31-37 and Lk 6:43-45) 27. The fundamentals of the Christian faith (Rom 14:1b) 28. Future rewards (I Thess 4:11) G 1. Should a Christian gamble ? (I Tim 6:10a and Prov 13:11 & 23:4) 2. Where was the Garden of Eden located? (Gen 2:8) 3. The first gemstone mentioned in Scripture (Gen 2:12b) 4. The Genesis Gap (Gen 1:2a,b,c,d,28a) 5. The doctrine of gifts ( I CORINTHIANS “MINI” SERIES and Rom 12:6-8) 6. Jesus’ gift (apostles, prophets, evangelists and teaching pastors) to the Church (Eph 4:7,11-12) 7. How to give meaningfully (Mk 12:41) 8. Global warming ? (II Pet 3:7, Gen 1:28d and Judg 21:25 – point #1) 9. The doctrine of glorification (Rom 8:30) 10. What is the glory of God ? (I Chro 29:13 and Isa 6:3c) 11. How to experience the glory of God (Psa 139:1) 12. Gnosticism and the Gnostic Gospels (began in Syro-Palestine c. AD 50) (Lk 11:51, Colo 2:16 and Acts 15:1) 13. The doctrine of God ( GENESIS “MINI” SERIES) 14. Why the God of the OT is the same as the God of the NT (Gen 13:13 – point #5) 15. Three things God cannot do (Heb 6:18) 16. The Golden Rule (Lk 18:8 – point #5 and Prov 22:7)


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