The Strand Study Bible


4. How dark can a Christian go? (Mt 6:23 and Heb 6:4a) 5. The Davidic Covenant (II Sam 7:12) 6. What does it mean, “A day is as a thousand years”? (II Pet 3:8) 7. The DAY OF CHRIST (the Rapture) (II Thess 2:2b)

8. The DAY OF THE LORD (I Thess 5:2 and Rev 3:3a,b & 6:5,6-8a) 9. Should a woman become a deacon ? (I Tim 3:11a and Rom 16:1) 10. The Dead Sea Scrolls (Gen 14:18a and Lk 1:80) 11. Is there more than one death ? (Gen 2:17b, Lk 12:5, Rom 6:23a and Rev 20:14a,b) 12. Why God enacted the death penalty (capital punishment) (Gen 9:6, Deut 13:5, Eccl 8:11 and Rom 13:4) 13. Ten areas of deception (Jere 37:9) 14. Two prerequisites to making good decisions (I Ki 3:9 15. The deity of CHRIST verses the humanity of CHRIST (Jn 20:17a,b) (Seven verses religions like to use to question the deity of CHRIST – Jn 20:17a,b, Mt 27:46, Mk 15:34a, Eph 1:17, Heb 1:9 and Rev 1:6 & 3:12b) 16. How good is a democracy ? (I Sam 8:5 and Isa 33:22) 17. Demons (Mt 7:22) 18. Can a believer be demon possessed ? (Lk 10:19) 19. Depression (Num 11:15 and Lk 17:6) 20. Why God allows the Devil limited power over us (Rev 2:10) 21. How to have daily devotions (Lev 23:2)

22. What ever happened to the dinosaurs ? (Job 40:15 & 41:1 and Ezk 28:12) 23. The Disciples of Christ (began in America in the 1830’s) (Eph 5:19 & Jn 4:24b) 24. The doctrine of discipleship (Lk 14:26c and Acts 9:36) 25. Better to “give in” to discipline than “give way” to destruction (Jere 38:2) 26. The doctrine of dispensationalism (Colo 1:25)

27. Divorce (Deut 24:1-4, Isa 50:1, Jere 3:1a,b, Hos 3:1,5 and Mt 19:3,4) 28. DNA , the building blocks of life, and the laws of information (Gen 1:11) 29. How to interpret whether a dream is from God or not (Mt 1:20) 30. Should a Christian drink alcohol? (Seven problems that co-exist with drinking alcohol - Acts 2:15, Prov 20:1 & 23:31,34 & 31:6-7, Hab 2:15 and Jn 2:10) E

1. Earliest Sibylline Oracles (c. 200 BC) (Lk 11:51) 2. Should a Christian observe Easter ? (Acts 12:4) 3. Divine economics (Gen 12:16) 4. Education (Prov 23:7) 5. What is an elder ? (I Tim 5:1b) 6. The doctrine of election (Rom 9:22, I Pet 1:2a and I Thess 1:4) 7. What is an EMP ? (Dan 12:4 – point #2) 8. 1 Enoch (c. 180 BC) (Lk 11:51) 9. 2 Enoch (Lk 11:51) 10. How to stay encouraged biblically (Deut 1:38 and I Sam 30:6) 11. Why enabling people is wrong (I Sam 15:31 and Lk 15:11 Subject Head) 12. Envy verses jealousy (Jere 41:2) 13. Are we in the End Times ? (Dan 12:4, Lk 18:8 and Mk 13:4) 14. The most dangerous enemy you’ll ever face... is you (Jere 4:7)

15. Epistle of the Apostles (Lk 11:51) 16. Epistle to the Laodiceans (Lk 11:51)

17. 1 Esdras (c. AD 100) (Lk 11:51) 18. 2 Esdras (c. AD 100) (Lk 11:51) 19. How to establish a nation for God (I Ki 2:12) 20 The doctrine of eternal security (Psa 37:28 & 125:1,2, Jn 10:28-29, Phil 1:6, II Tim 1:12, Eph 1:13-14 & 4:30, and Heb 7:25) (Seven verses people like to use to question the doctrine of eternal security , i.e., once saved –always saved – I Cor 6:9a & 15:2b, Gal 5:21, Phil 2:12a, Heb 6:4a-6 & 10:26-31 and II Pet 2:20-22) 21. Three reasons why a person can be confident in their eternal security (Jn 10:28-29) 22. What does it mean to be eternal ? (Isa 63:16) 23. Three eternal aspects CHRIST was willing to give up on Calvary in order to save mankind? (I Cor 15:28 – point #1, Rom 1:16, Mt 27:46, Mk 15:34a,b, Jn 20:17c and Phil 2:6c,d) 24. How to maintain the eternal perspective (II Cor 4:18 and Mt 16:3a)


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