The Strand Study Bible

JOHN “MINI” SERIES Seven Steps to a Successful Marriage

If whom you married is in accordance with what you believe, then stick with that person. If not, then follow the guidelines laid down by the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 7:10-16.

Lesson #7 . Define the forgotten side of love (Jn 14:15)

There is a side to love that is all too forgotten. God-like love, according to the Bible, is not an emotion, but an act of the will. We love because we “choose” to love. Jesus said in Luke 6:27, “ Love your enemies ...” Unless we “choose” to love them, they will not be loved. According to John 14:15, if we “choose” to love another human being, we automatically allow that person to place certain expectations upon our life. Jesus said “ If you love me, keep my commandments ” The forgotten side of love is expressed when others are allowed the right to place certain expectations upon that word we call “love.” For example, if we say we love our enemies, then our enemies have a right to expect us to treat them right (Lk 6:27-29). If we say we love our wives, then our wives have a right to expect us not to be bitter at them (Colo 3:19). Again, our love for others should never be based on our expectations of them, but rather on their expectations of us. People that we say we “love” do have rights.


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