The Storm
your guide?” Mr. Fessmyer responded. “He has no idea either," I said, "and he’s been there for years, but never goes th at far north when fishing.” “I don’t know, Zach. You just got back, and we are needing a story written up about this storm, and I don't know if I can spare you right now.” I pleaded again, “Boss, just let me run down there and right back while there's a br eak in the storm pattern. I’ll go on my nickel with no expense to you or the paper. I just gotta do this. And I’ll work my day off as well to get everything ready for print. This thing has really grabbed my attention.” “Apparently, Son,” Mr Fessmeyer said. I continued, “I already know my way, and my people are already in place. And I promise, that as soon as I get my story, I will be right back here on an early flight if necessary.” “If you can promise me that, Zach, I am good with it. Just be back here by next week at the latest,” he said. “Yes sir, I promise." And with that I headed out to my desk to arrange a quick flight out. Good to my promise, I called Delores to get her up to speed with my plans. “Hello?” Delores answered with the sweetest voice in t he world. I was in love all over again! “Hi, gorgeous! It’s your favorite boyfriend!” “Zach! So good to hear from you!" she said. "I’ve been worried. I have been watching the news and weather where you were at and it sounded so bad.” “It’s worse than you can imagine," I replied, "and being their firsthand and seeing the faces on the people is unbelievable. The power of water is shocking when you see it firsthand. The power is out, empty shelves in grocery stores, no cell service for people trying frantically to connect with friends and loved ones, along with no fresh water. And the sewers are backed up and flowing on the roads. Just the health factor alone is overwhelming. So
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