The Storm
roar and intense super-hot, red-orange flame rolled over us like a huge building was on fire just 50 yards ahead of us. And several huge fireballs rolled up into the night sky like a nuclear blast. WHOOSH... BOOM! WHOOSH... BOOM! WHOOSH... BOOM! WHOOSH... BOOM! Four rockets hit the jungle floor and lit up the night sky like a volcano had just erupted. Burnin' jungle debris started droppin' all around us and leavin' piles like burnin' trash everywhere. Several of the team had to kick off burnin' palm branches that had landed on 'em." "And then the mounted 60 opened up on the devastation just ahead of us as the chopper sped past us, concentratin' their fire on the target area with deadly accuracy. A few shadowy figures burst through the firestorm, and we immediately dropped 'em with our weapons. Some staggered through the flames, bein' on fire themselves, and we put them out of their misery as well. I was impressed with the accuracy and complete devastation which our recovery team, and possible death squad, released upon our enemies. We kept our concentration ahead of us for anyone that might be comin' through the wall of fire before us and take them out. I couldn't imagine anyone survivin' that onslaught." Henry continued, "A voice came loud and clear over the radio, 'YOU STILL ALIVE FOXTAIL?' 'ALL ACCOUNTED FOR WITH TWO WOUNDED FROM ENEMY FIRE! WE ARE READY FOR EVAC AT RENDEZVOUS POINT,' I responded. 'ROGER THAT FOXTAIL AND MAKE IT QUICK. THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS WE'RE HERE NOW!' the radioman responded. 'WE'RE ON THE WAY. WE ARE ABOUT A HUNDRED YARDS OUT. OVER!'"
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