The Storm
switched from SAT radio to a walkie-talkie communications radio. I had no idea until later why he changed radios. I looked at Gunny and he just grinned and said “Cause I was goin' to save his butt! Go on Captain,” Henry continued. “I switched to frequency and yelled 'CAN YOU ASSIST?'" "Awelcomed voice came crackling through the speaker, 'FOXTAIL, WE WANT YOU TO LIGHT UP THE JUNGLE WITH SMOKE AND TRACER ROUNDS TOWARDS YOUR ATTACKERS. WE WILL ASSIST WITH ROCKETS AND THE 60.' (The machine gun in the copter door). The voice continued 'IF WE CANNOT STOP ENEMY ADVANCEMENT AND YOUR CAPTURE IS INEVITABLE THEN YOU KNOW OUR ORDERS ARE TO PROTECT THIS MISSION AND THE OTHER TEAMS WHATEVER THE COST. NO GUARANTEE THAT YOUR TEAM WILL BE SAFE WHEN WE TORCH THE PLACE. YOU HAVE YOUR CYANIDE CAPS. YOU DO IT OR WE’LL HAVE TO TAKE YOU OUT OURSELVES. CAPTURE IS NOT AN OPTION. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?' 'JUST DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DOAND DO IT QUICK!'" I yelled back. "We settled in and opened fire with everything we had left. Our tracers lit up the jungle like Fireflies zippin' through the jungle vegetation that was shreddin' and fallin' like chainsaws were cuttin' through the underbrush. About that time, I heard the incoming rockets comin' in from behind.
'TAKE COVER AND COVER YOUR EARS!' I yelled over the gunfire. My thought was, 'This is it Henry. You're dead.'"
"Then several rockets hit like a nightmare turnin' the jungle just ahead of us into an inferno. Amassive, indescribable
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