The Storm
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Back At The Base
" T he sun was just comin' up over the horizon as we made our approach to the command post. Not much was stirrin' and we were all ready for some sack time after this mission. Debriefin' would come first for me, and I knew that while the guys were showerin' and havin' chow, before hittin' the sack, I'd be tied up in some commander's office for the debriefin'. I headed to the Command post offices and immediately was met with Commander Jessop. 'Great job, Captain! You and your men did outstanding! We received your com link message when the principle was taken out, and the CIA guys were cheering. I’m just glad you all got out of there in one piece.' 'Thank you, sir,' I responded, and we headed to the debriefing room. 'I won’t keep you long, Captain, as I know you are tired a nd hungry, so I’ll make this as painless as possible.'" "The commander was true to his promise, and I was in and out within the hour. With a quick salute I headed to the showers and then the mess hall. My men had just finished eatin' and had already headed back to the barracks. I congratulated my men on the mission success, and then crash landed in my bunk next to the office that had been assigned to me. 'What a week!' I thought and did not open my eyes 'till revelry the next mornin'."
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