The Storm
was the same pilot that dropped us into the mission. 'Yeah, me too! Thanks for the lift!' 'No Problem, Captain, anytime!' he responded with a cheery voice. 'Just look for SAM’S.'" "Sam’s' was the short name given to Surface to Air Missiles, and I heard that they looked like flyin' telephone poles with flames shootin' out the back of 'um. Jets could usually escape 'em, but with choppers it was near impossible without doin' some insane flight maneuvers. That’s all we needed. I sat there thinkin' 'No sight of Charlie or small arms fire punchin' holes in the choppers floor pan.' A welcome relief! WE HAD MADE IT. ALL OF US! I then turned my attention to the large slidin' door window to watch for flyin' telephone poles in the dark."
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