The Storm

Chapter Twenty-Four

The Story Continues

H enry, Gunny, and I headed to the front room to continue the story. I could tell that Henry was reliving every moment and every detail precisely. There was a side of Henry that was emerging that I had totally missed. Caring, insightful, brave, and tough, all at the same time. “Zach,” Henry said. “Yes Sir,” I replied. “From here on out, what I am about to tell you is gonna get a little dicey. Write it down precisely and know, that what you are about to hear put Gunny and myself out in these swamps and made us what you see us to be. Get it right, 'cause I'm puttin' Gunny and myself at risk and into your hands. Somebody needs to know the truth and that truth could get us killed, and possibly put your life at risk as well. You understand?” I thought for a moment about Delores, my family, my boss, and my responsibility as a serious journalist. I also thought about the need to record the details of this further conversation, and the look on Henry’s face. “Let’s do it, Henry. Go on,” I blurted out. “Well enough,” Henry said, and with a nod from Gunny as well, Henry continued: "After our leavin' the mess hall my team went out on the exercise yard and I headed t o the Major’s office. Climbin' the stairs to the receptionist's room, she said, 'Go in. The Major is expecting you.' I opened his office door, stepped in, and saluted. The Major responded with 'Come in, Captain, and be seated.' I took a seat at the front of his desk."

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