The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Second , in v erses 7 and 9 the prophet declares that the “desire
of all nations” (the wealth of the nations) would come to God’s
new house, making it more splendid and glorious than
Solomon’s temple.
Some see this as a reference to Jesus as the Messiah coming
to fill God’s true house (the church) with God’s glory : The final
outcome, that the house of God would reveal God’s messiah
and His kingdom to all nations. However, the context of this
specific prediction deals with what the exiles were focused on
at that time — the lack of money to achieve the splendor and
beauty of the past temple of Solomon.
But the prophet declares that God will now provide resources
from the nations to make this new temple more splendid than
the previous temple. Finances never have been a problem for
the Lord. The deeper truth here is that the true wealth of the
nations was the people who would come and form the true
temple (the church), which would reflect a greater splendor of
divine transformation in the world.
Third , in verse 19 the prophet goes on to say that if the people
will resume the work on the temple, they will find God now
ready to bless them with His abundance and favor in all they
undertake. God would remove His harsh discipline for their
former disobedience.
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