The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

But there will also be a point — as there was for Noah — when

the storm ends. The destructive rain ceased and the waters

receded. Though God had sealed to door of the ark, it was

Noah who opened it.

This will be true for the church as well, after the coming great

storm dies away. It is to us, the church, that the keys of the

Kingdom of God have been given. The church will have gone

through its own testing and cleansing in the storm; and it will

have the glory of the Lord upon it, visible far and wide. We must

be ready to open the Kingdom doors to the millions who will be

ready to enter.

The essential difference between Noah’s flood story and our

story will be redemption . Noah’s flood brought judgment, and

the deliverance of the few. The purpose of the coming spiritual

flood or shaking will be the redemption of many.

The Old Testament prophets plainly declared that the

knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover

the sea (Hab. 2:14). And as the glory of the Lord rises on the

greater house of God – the nations will flow into it (Isa. 2:3-4).

Let us be ready!

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