The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
and their ministries were able to rise above the devastation —
beacons in the ruins, living out the life and power and strength
of the Kingdom of God.
Just as an extraordinary mix of animals came peacefully two by
two into the ark, without Noah having to be a herdsman — or
referee — the vision for these new arks includes a surprising
diversity. The spiritual arks will not be made from wood and
nails, but from communities of transformed believers, as
churches supernaturally touch people’s lives and draw them
into the Kingdom.
Certainly the spread of these arks will be a consequence of the
spirit of Elijah, awakening the backslidden among the church
and inspiring spiritual renewal. In fact, this is already
happening, as I noted in Chapter 14. It is why we must build
schools of the prophets to multiply the urgent calls to
unbelievers and lapsed believers alike.
Speaking further of his vision, Larry Randolph emhpasized that
it was not Noah who sealed the door of the ark. It was God.
There comes a time when a storm begins to rage — and either
preparations have been made, or they haven’t. The timing is in
God’s hands. I agree with Larry Randolph that the onset of the
storm, or the great shaking of nations, is close at hand.
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