The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Appendix One
The Saving of Cultures
God loves the diverse cultures of earth. I was surprised when
recently I heard the teaching that God does not want heaven to
return to the monoculture we first in Genesis, at the creation of
humanity. For many years mankind lived with one language,
one culture, and one view of life. But heaven will not be a one
language, one-culture existence in which all will live in forever.
It will be made up of multiple cultures from every tribe and
nation — each distinctly adding its flavor to the whole of heaven
(Rev. 7:9f). We are told that the kings of the earth will march at
the head of their nations as they enter heaven bringing their
unique flavor and glory into it (Rev. 21:24-26).
To be sure there are perversions and sins found in every culture
and people group. This is the product of sin and the fall of man
in the garden of Eden. But that is not to say that the unique
development of how different nations and people groups see
and live life is all bad, or to be swept away. God loves diversity
and the different ways people groups live and worship God.
God loves the Latin American cultures, the African cultures,
and the Asian cultures — in fact, all cultures. There is nothing
wrong with seeing ourselves as American Christians or
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