The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

• The growing fire of worldwide shaking…

• And as they are exposed to the life and teaching of a dedicated minority led by God’s favored leaders in the various spheres of city and national life… • Along with the church praying with great authority living out an empowered witnessing of the gospel…

• Supported by signs and wonders and good works…

... cities and nations will be “immersed” in the knowledge and

life of the Kingdom of God changing the atmosphere over


The Seven Spheres

I have been mentioning the need for the church to gain

influence in all the spheres of influence in a city or nation. I need

to stop and define what is meant by the idea of spheres of

influence. Every nation is influenced by seven social spheres

that help form the culture of a city or nation.

Loren Cunningham, and the late Bill Bright, founder of Campus

Crusade, and the late Francis Schae ffer, founder of L’Abri

Fellowship, all came to the same revelation apart from one

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