The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

“anywhere and everywhere , ” with or without the restrictions of

a building or elaborate religious programs.

Jesus wanted the church to be out among the people, where

they lived and worked in every sphere of life.

Over the centuries various expressions of the church have

changed and adapted as was needed. But what has become

clear is that the dominant western model of today has become

too expensive, restrictive, and ineffective. I am not saying it is

a wrong model of doing church, but it has become an ineffective

model for quickly and effectively finishing the Great

Commission. It is getting in the way. Things must change.

The idea of forming churches remains an essential task. New

believers need a supportive, supernatural, and transformative

community of believers to grow up in Christ. Spiritual growth is

a body experience that we all need, according to Paul’s

teachings in I Corinthians 12 and 14, and Romans 12. Like an

organic body we need all the body parts to make up the full

expression of Christ. But these assemblies must not be

weighed down with excess costs and cultural baggage that

hinder rapid, effective discipleship and evangelism.

This is not good news when there are billions people who have

yet to be reached with the gospel.

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