The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
The world is in darkness, but Jesus has come to turn on the
light. In the days ahead millions will come to readiness to
receive the good news of Christ. We as the church must be
ready for an incredible harvest of souls into the Kingdom of
Make no mistake. God is going to shake the nations to awaken
them to their need of blessing and peace that is unshakable in
the kingdom of God. This discovery will produce a ready
harvest of searching people and nations looking for answers
only found in Jesus Christ.
This then is the challenge: We must prepare the church for both
the coming shaking and the unprecedented harvest it will
produce. God is going to cleanse and glorify His church as
never before. The church’s future is not that of barely hanging
on by our fingernails until Jesus comes back to take us home.
As you study this book, you will realize that God has an
astonishing future for the church, here and now, not just
someday in heaven.
My assignment and the assignment of thousands like me is to
raise a chorus of prophetic voices to call God’s people into what
He is doing. Truly the greatest moments, the greatest harvest,
and the most glorious expression of the church are yet ahead.
It is my prayer that you will believe, prepare, and participate in
what God is ready to unfold.
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