The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
for redemption. The Lord will not allow mankind to drift into
eternity without being confronted by the love and salvation that
He has provided through His son.
I am not saying that Covid pandemic, the fires of California, and
the racial riots and marches are the greatest shaking events of
our times; but they illustrate how quickly the world can be
brought into crises, and how nations can be overwhelmed in
trying to grapple with such events. I was amazed by the waves
of panic, fear, and crushing loss — physically, economically,
and emotionally — that swept over America and the world.
Through the last several decades God has called me to write
this message, and to help ready the church for what is coming.
But I want to say up front that this is not a proclamation of doom
and gloom. Yes, the shakings will be deadly and devastating
for many; but they will usher in a day when the church, with
God’s help, will emerge as an unshak able force in every nation
— revealing the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Some will want to frame these shaking events as “everything
going to hell in a handbasket, ” with the take-away that things
will only get worse. This must not be our message to the world.
Our job is not to measure the level of a nation’s sin to decide
whether it has passed a point of no return. Instead, we are to
believe for the transformation of people and nations, bringing
the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
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