The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
whole being I shall bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die (Phil. 1:20 GNB).
It is written about Paul and Barnabas that, as they went about
confirming and strengthening their new disciples and churches,
they taught them:
... to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22).
Are we to teach anything less as we see the close of this age
coming? I am not trying to be discouraging, but honest. Jesus
tells us to seriously “count the cost” of following Him (Luke
14:27-33). The future is going to call for great courage and faith.
I appeal to those of you who lead God’s people — don’t cheat
them. Let the people know the full truth of the blessings and the
costs of serving the Lord. We must all be willing to pick up our
cross and follow Him wherever He leads us.
Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matt. 16:24 -25)
We are all going to die. Our choice is to make the life we have
count the most for the glory of God and the good of all mankind.
What better way than to influence as many as we can to find
their eternal home with Father God? I think of the old hymn —
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