The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Current Evidence of God’s Audacity
Let me conclude this chapter with one of the most encouraging
reports I have heard from the mission field in the Middle East.
For 1,200 years, Muslim culture has been notoriously resistant
to the gospel. Nevertheless, in the last several decades the mission organization City Team Ministries 20 has launched a
vigorous church-planting strategy among Muslim populations.
God surprised City Team with unexpected miraculous support
in their witness to Muslim populations, Whole mosques and
entire villages of Islamic believers began to experience
conversions through divine dreams and angelic visitations.
Muslims were showing up to tell City Team missionaries about
life-changing nocturnal encounters.
Jerry Trousdale, City Team ’s Director of International
Ministries, wrote:
In the last seven years, we have had a chance to hear hundreds of stories ... about the dreams that
20 City Team Ministries Is a international ministry based out of San Jose, California that I have been personally involved with for the last thirty years. Its traditional focus had been working in inner city ministries but increasingly has also stepped into international church planting and mission ministry.
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