The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Part Six
God’s Growing Audacity
There are some who say, “ Yes, there is a god out there
somewhere, but we cannot really know him. Yes, he may have
created the cosmos but he does not interact with us now. He
has simply wound up the universe like a clock and left it to run
on its own.”
Such thinking is perhaps inevitable if we do not understand our
Creator or believe that He revealed himself to us in Jesus
Christ. This is why God has shouted through Judaism and
through Christianity His delight and loving involvement with His
Creator God is passionate about His creation. He loves it and
is delighted in it. His delight is seen in the artistic beauty of a
rose or a hummingbird sucking nectar from a flower — pure joy.
And God grieved over the brokenness of His creation so deeply
that He sent His only son to die on its behalf, so it would have
a way back to a right relationship with Him.
God can never stop thinking about us and His creation. We
could never count the times God thinks about you and me.
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