The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Study and Reflection
1. Review Ezekiel Chapters 38-39 and describe the war of
Gog in your own words.
2. Review the Three Wars Chart to help you differentiate this
war from the other two end-time wars.
3. Review the many declarations about the war of Gog that
show how God will use it to reveal Himself to the nations in
great power and authority.
4. Review Isaiah 66:15-21 and Zechariah 12 and 14 in light of
the Three Wars chart. Consider how God is going to use
this war to help finish the Great Commission — enlisting
former enemy soldiers.
5. Would you consider this a “shaking of nations?” If so ,
consider how this divine shaking opens the eyes of nations
to seek after the Lord and His people.
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