The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Gog is pictured as forming a powerful army through an alliance

of nations. Mentioned in this alliance are Persia, Cush (western

Egypt or northern Africa), Put (Libya or central north Africa),

and Gomer (the house of Togarmah — possibly early tribes

who settled in southeastern Europe). The list includes peoples

and territories that were on the fringe of known civilization at

the time of Ezekiel’s writing.

Ezekiel, then, is referring to a future when these fringe people

groups will have grown into powerful nations. This army is

described as a vast cloud that will move from far northern

regions to attack Israel (Ezek. 38:9).

Three Wars at the End of the Age

In order to distinguish Gog’s war from the other two great end time wars mentioned in scripture, let me use a chart to highlight

the distinctions between them.

Scripture indicates that three great wars will take place toward

the end of this age. One is the war of Gog; another is the war

with Antichrist at the second coming of Jesus Christ (Rev.

19:11-21); and the final war occurs after the millennium, with

Satan himself and his earthly armies appearing as combatants

(Rev. 21:7-10).

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