The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

descendants will save his people and usher in God’s reign over

the nations (Luke 1:69-70; Rom. 15:12).

Significantly, Amos’ prophecy about the restoration of the

“tabernacle of David” (the coming messianic kingdom of God)

was quoted by Jesus’ half -brother James in Acts 15:16-17, at

the Jerusalem Conference.

This assembly was convened because Paul and Barnabas had

ignited a controversy in the early church — preaching that

salvation came through faith alone in the life and work of Jesus

Christ. Therefore, no longer was there any need for believers

(a great many of whom then were converted Jews) to strictly

observe the Jewish customs and laws, in order to be sure of

salvation. They had only to believe and receive by faith what

Jesus had accomplished (Rom. 10:9-10).

This outraged a cadre of Jewish converts — many of them

Pharisees — who believed that any suggestion to shelve the

old traditions was simply wrongheaded, if not heretical. This

group became known as the Judaizers: Jews who had

accepted Jesus as the Christ, but who insisted (and preached)

that in order to be saved, any convert to this new faith also had

to observe established Jewish law and keep the required

feasts. In short, if you wanted to be a good Christian, you also

had to be a good Jew.

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