The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
new house would reveal the promised messiah and His
unshakable kingdom, to which the shaken nations would flock
(Heb. 12:27 -28).
Jesus was very clear that never again would God require
people to come and seek Him at a specific location in order to
know and talk with Him. In John 4:21 Jesus unequivocally tells
the Samartian‘“ woman at the well ” that neither in Jerusalem nor
in Samaria would the Lord have people come to worship Him.
Rather, God would be worshipped “in Spirit and in truth”
anywhere and everywhere.
The picture that Zechariah paints for us then must be seen with
this understanding. Nations that hear about Jesus and the
gospel message will become determined to seek out the
salvation that gives hope and stability in harsh, shaking times.
These seekers will become evangelistic in drawing others to
join them in their journey to find the Lord.
And there is a statistical prophecy, as well. What caught my
attention in this passage is that Zechariah goes so far as to
describe a ten to one ratio of seekers pursuing believers —
with the dramatic image in Zechariah 8:23 of seekers grabbing
believers “by the hem of the robe.”
Different Bible
commentators agree that this ratio implies a vast number of
unbelievers hungry to learn about the Lord.
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