The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

do not respond should not deter us from faithfully seeking those

who will.

During my last pastorate, God blessed me with an intercessory

team that met with me weekly to pray for me and my ministry.

During a particular Saturday prayer session, one of the

intercessors had a mind’s -eye vision from the Lord:

He saw a huge tsunami wave coming toward the church and

heard the Lord speak to him: “Get out your surfboard!”

This intercessor was never a surfer, but he understood

immediately. God was ready to do a massive work around the

world, generating a vast harvest wave of people, and the

church had to get ready for it.

I am no surfer, either, but I do understand that the aim is to

catch the upswell of a strong wave at the right moment. If your

timing is good, you can ride that wave clear to the beach,

accomplishing fancy maneuvers along the way.

You do not have to create the wave. You simply have to

correctly position yourself, and then ride it.

The image of an approaching tsunami brought into perspective

the magnitude of the future harvest wave. It will be

overwhelming -- and there is urgency for the church to get in

position. There is nothing we need to do, or can do, to create

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