The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
The Lord’s choice to pour out empowerment on His church at
the day of Pentecost offers a clear prophetic picture: The early
church was the first fruit of this harvest age, 50 days after
Jesus (our Passover lamb) was offered up (1 Cor. 5:7). Now
we await celebration the “final” or full spiritual harvest at the
Feast of Tabernacles — at the end of this age.
The past two mi llennia have been the “age of harvest” as the
church progressively reached out to every nation in the world.
We are nearing the end of harvest time — the fulfillment of
Jesus’ Great Commission for the church to disciple and baptize
all nations (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15). The finale is pictured
in Revelation 14:16, where Jesus (through His corporate Body)
will accomplish the final ingathering into the Kingdom of God of
all who will respond to the gospel.
The Harvest is Ready and Ripe
It is clear that with the coming of Jesus, God was proclaiming
the world harvest ready to be brought in (John 4:35-36). There
was no need to wait for humanity to ripen further, in this sense.
To illustrate this, Jesus made an observation about John the
Ba ptist’s mission , which was to prepare God’s people for Jesus’
first coming:
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