The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
After making this statement, Jesus proceeded to characterize
the harvesting work of the church as having two parts: “harvest
sowing” and “harvest reaping” ( John 4:36-38). God sends His
people to speak into the lives of individuals and nations (the
sowing), with the hope of them believing His message,
responding to it, and thereby finding eternal life (the reaping).
Everything Jesus did — the calling and preparing of His
disciples, His teachings, His signs and wonders, and the
sending of the Holy Spirit upon His church -- was for the
express purpose of saving lost humanity (Mark 16:15-20; Acts
In Matt. 9:38, Jesus describes God the Father as the “Lord of
the harvest.” The harvest is His focus. It must be our focus, too.
The Meaning of Pentecost
It is no accident that the Jewish Feast of Pentecost was when
the church was commissioned and empowered to witness.
Pentecost means “50 days,” a reference to the bringing in of
the “first fruits” of the nation's agricultural harvest 50 days after
the Feast of Passover (Deut. 16:9-11). Late in autumn came
another festival, the Feast of Tabernacles, to commemorate
Israel’s 40 years in the wilderness and also to celebrate
bringing in the final harvest (Lev. 23:40-43).
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