The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
I believe the time is coming when the world will look in
astonishment at the church , with a chorus of “How do they…?
How can they…? What enables them…?” questions, as the
church resolutely stands in the midst of shaking. Numbered
with those amazed onlookers, sad to say, will be self-professed
believers who failed to submit to divine discipline and never
allowed the Holy Spirit to transform their lives. They will find that
their foundations were built on sand.
Study and Reflection
1. How would you evaluate your stability in facing the storms
of life?
2. Take time to review Hebrews 12:1-17. What is your overall
impression? Rephrase it in your own words, then say that
3. What does it mean to “fix your eyes on Jesus” ? How does
Jesus set an example of faithfully running life’s race
despite great obstacles and hardships?
4. In what ways have you prepared to “run with perseverance
the race marked out for us”? How has God been training
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