The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 12:14-17 he persecuted the woman that brought forth the male. eDIo-xen ten guNAIka HEtis Ete-ken ton ARse-na. h. 12:14 GOD'S PROVISION FOR THE WOMAN DURING LAST HALF OF GREAT TRIBULATION And the two wings of the great :eagle were given to the woman kai eDOthe-san te gu-naiKI hai DUo PTEru-ges tou a-eTOU tou meGAlou that she fly to the wilderness to her :place, HIna PEte-tai eis ten Ere-mon eis ton TOpon auTES, where she is nourished there for a season, and seasons, HOpou TREphe-tai eKEI kaiRON, kai kaiROUS, and half a season, from the face of the serpent. kai HEmi-su kaiROU, aPO proSOpou tou Ophe-os. i. 12:15 SATAN INCITES PERSECUTION AGAINST THE CHURCH And the serpent cast out of his :mouth kai Eba-len ho Ophis ek tou STOma-tos auTOU after the woman water as a river, oPIso tes gu-naiKOS HUdor hos po-taMON, that he might cause her to be carried away by the river. HIna auTEN po-ta-moPHOre-ton poiEse. And the earth opened her :mouth and swallowed up the river kai Enoi-xen he ge to STOma auTES kai kaTEpi-en ton po-taMON which the dragon cast out of his :mouth. hon Eba-len ho DRAkon ek tou STOma-tos auTOU. k. 12:17-13:1a SATAN WARS AGAINST THE WOMAN'S SEED And the dragon became wrathful with the woman, kai orGIS-the ho DRAkon ePI te gu-naiKI, and went away to make war with the rest kai aPELthen poiEsai POle-mon meTA ton loiPON of her :seed, that keep the commandments of :God, tou SPERma-tos auTES, ton teROUNton tas en-toLAS tou TheOU, j. 12:16 EARTH'S PEOPLE OFFSET SATAN'S PEOPLE And the earth helped the woman, kai e-boEthe-sen he ge te gu-naiKI,


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