The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 12:10-13

And I heard a great voice in the heaven, saying, kai Ekou-sa phoNEN meGAlen en to ou-raNO, LEgou-san, Now is the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom, ARti eGEne-to he so-teRIa, kai he DUna-mis, kai he ba-siLEIa, become our God's, and the authority is become his Christ's: tou TheOU heMON, kai he e-xouSIa tou ChrisTOU auTOU: for the accuser of our :brethren is cast down, who accuses HOti eBLEthe ho kaTEgor ton a-delPHON heMON, ho ka-te-goRON them before our :God day and night. auTOUS eNOpi-on tou TheOU heMON heMEras kai nukTOS. d. 12:11 HOW BRETHREN OVERCOME THE DRAGON And THEY overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, kai auTOI eNIke-san auTON diA to HAIma tou arNIou, and because of the word of their :testimony; kai diA ton LOgon tes mar-tuRIas auTON; and they loved not their :life even unto death. kai ouk eGApe-san ten psuCHEN auTON Achri thaNAtou.

e. 12:12a Therefore rejoice, O heavens, diA TOUto euPHRAInes-the, ou-raNOI, and you that tabernacle in them. kai hoi en auTOIS skeNOUNtes. f. 12:12b A CAUSE OF WOE UPON EARTH-DWELLERS! Woe for the earth and the sea, ouAI ten gen kai ten THAlas-san,

because the devil is gone down unto you, having great wrath, HOti kaTEbe ho diAbo-los pros huMAS, Echon thuMON MEgan, knowing that he has but a short season. eiDOS HOti oLIgon kaiRON Echei. g. 12:13 PERSECUTION OF THE WOMAN BY THE DRAGON And when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, Kai HOte EIden ho DRAkon HOti eBLEthe eis ten gen,


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