The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
order to restore, and He loves in spite of WKH VLQQHU·V VLQ DQG UHEHOOLRQ -- but God (who is perfect and eternal) will not compromise or relinquish His own perfect nature and knowledge to merely SOHDVH D SHUVRQ·V flawed, sinful, mistaken ideas. ´6LQ µ E\ WKH ZD\ KDV WKH EDVLF PHDQLQJ RI ´PLVVLQJ WKH PDUN µ OLNH VKRRWLQJ DW D WDUJHW DQG DOZD\V PLVVLQJ God knows the best way for the universe, nations, nature, and mankind to function. He invites us to go the perfect way, the way in which we function and prosper best, and this way is that one devised by God our maker and savior. His love is absolute and long-suffering, and He is also aware of human limitations: how long mismanagement and rebellion can occur before drastic measures are taken to bring correction and salvation. Our heavenly Father, the all-wise Creator of the universe, loves us and knows what is in our best interests. The Closing Chapter The last chapter of Zephaniah, verses 9-20, shows the ultimate intention of our all-loving God. This section is so tender and loving that some commentators have said it is not possible that the man who wrote the scorching, severe words of chapter 1 and 2, could write the tender, exquisite love music of the last verses. In the natural, that is true, but the prophet could write as he did because the Spirit of God moved him into the Divine Presence , making him super conscious of the light and love of God. Zephaniah sees in that sublime place the ultimate intention of God, the patient purpose of God. The prophetic anointing causes the prophet to see and hear this God of principle rejoicing over His people who have gathered around Him, even singing with happiness over them. 3:14. ´6LQJ 2 GDXJKWHU RI =LRQ VKRXW DORXG 2 ,VUDHO %H JODG DQG UHMRLFH ZLWK DOO \RXU KHDUW 2 daughter of Jerusalem! 15. ´ For the LORD will remove his hand of judgment and will disperse the armies of your enemy. And the LORD himself, the King of Israel, will live among you! At last your troubles will be over, and you will fear disaster no more. 16. ´2Q WKDW GD\ WKH DQQRXQFHPHQW WR -HUXVDOHP ZLOO EH ¶&KHHU XS =LRQ 'RQ·W EH DIUDLG )RU the LORD your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song >´+H ZLOO UHMRLFH RYHU \RX ZLWK VLQJLQJ µ 1.-@ ·µ
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