The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

urge toward these reforms came from Zephaniah, who would have the intimate influence of a relative in the royal house. There is something pathetic, however, about the religious reform in the days of Josiah. 7 -RVLDK·V UHIRUP was an outward king-sponsored reformation, which in some ways does seem impressive, but it did not make WKH QHFHVVDU\ FKDQJH LQ WKH SHRSOH·V KHDUWV The Book of the Law had been found, the words of God had been read to the king and people, and the prophetess had declared that the curses found in the Law were certain to come to pas V %D[WHU·V statement is true: «EXW HYHQ D NLQJ FDQQRW ¶RUJDQLVH· >VLF@ D UHDO UHYLYDO DQG WKH PRYHPHQW LQ -RVLDK·V WLPH ZDV UHIRUPDWLRQ DV GLVWLQFW IURP UHJHQHUDWLRQ ,W GLG QRW JHW GRZQ WR WKH XQGHUFXUUHQWV RI WKH QDWLRQ·V OLIH« 7KH VWUHDP RI LQLT uity flowed on unstemmed. Judgment was unavoidable, though the storm ZDV QRW XQOHDVKHG XQWLO JRRG NLQJ -RVLDK·V UHLJQ ZDV RYHU 8 G. Campbell Morgan agrees with this assessment. He words it like this: The reforms initiated by Josiah were joined in by the people simply because the king led, and not out of any real heart repentance. That is borne out by the history of the times that followed. The reforms were not lasting, and consequently Zephaniah, speaking under the inspiration of the Spirit and perfectly understanding that the outward appearance of reform was not indicative of a true change of heart toward God, took no notice of the reform ; he dealt only with the sin and with the corruption (emphasis added). 9 Tough Love Many loving wives plagued by the destructive habits of alcoholic husbands, have found that the challenging advice given by Alcoholics Anonymous is almost too hard to handle: do not tolerate or excuse abuse, do not foster further abuse by accepting abnormal, destructive behavior. ,W·V VLPLODU WR D IDPLO\ LQWHUYHQWLRQ WKH ZKROH IDPLO\ PHHWV ZLWK DQ HUULQJ PHPEHU ZKR UHIXVHV to change destructive habits that are destroying the peace of all the members; an ultimatum, clothed in loving concern, is made in no uncertain terms to the wayward one. 7KLV DSSURDFK LV RIWHQ FDOOHG ´WRXJK ORYH µ DQG LW KDV VDYHG PDQ\ IURP GHVWUXFWLRQ 7KH reader must understand that the prophets, particularly Hosea and Zephaniah, had a deep love for the people and a very real understanding of *RG·V ORYH DQG PHUF\ /LNHZLVH WKH\ XQGHUVWRRG WKDW *RG·V ORYH ZDV UHDO EXW WRXJK DQG that more than balances any threats of judgment or damnation. As we discussed LQ WKH OHVVRQ RQ +RVHD ´*RG VXIIHUV ZKHQ +LV SHRSOH L n fact, all people) are unfaithful (like a loving father grieving because he sees his dear child heading for dest UXFWLRQ µ Although people argue that they will live their own lives and make their own moral judgments and spiritual decisions, God knows without doubt that He cannot tolerate or condone sin ² because sin blasts, spoils and destroys those whom Almighty God loves! God seeks the sinner, in

7 J. Sidlow Baxter, Explore the Book, Vol. 4 , p. 217. 8 Baxter, p. 218. 9 G. Campbell Morgan, The Minor Prophets , p 109.


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