The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

DQG WKH IRUVDNHQ SODFHV DUH PDQ\ LQ WKH PLGVW RI WKH ODQG· 1$6% Here we have a clear prediction of the total devastation and depopulation of Judah meted out by Nebuchadnezzar in 587 B.C., over 150 years later! This is of extreme importance as evidence, since all scholars of every viewpoint admit that Isaiah 6 is an authentic work of the eighth-century Isaiah [emphasis added] .

The best book that I have seen on refuting the theory that an unknown author, a second Isaiah, wrote chapters 40 through 66, is The Unity of Isaiah: A Study of Prophecy by Oswald T. Allis. Dr. Allis says in his conclusion: « WKH XQLW\ RI ,VDLDK ILQGV clear and adequate support in the evidence furnished by the Bible as a whole as to the true nature of Prophecy. According to this evidence, prediction formed an important part of the message of the prophets. They spoke, it is true, of things present, but they also spoke, frequently and impressively, of things to come. And when they spoke of the future, they sometimes spoke of its events as future; at other times they spoke of things to come as if they were living among them and as if the scenes of which they spoke were being enacted before their very eyes. The almost unanimous acceptance during twenty-five centuries of the Isaianic authorship of the entire Book of Isaiah can be adequately and fully accounted for only by the fact that such a view of it is fully in accord with the conception of Prophecy set forth in the Bible as a whole. 13

Discussion Questions

1. Of the contemporary kings of Judah, who were the two very wicked kings?

2. What was the date of the fall of Samaria?

3. What is the longest book of the Bible? The second longest?


5. Did Isaiah write any other books?


7. How did Uzziah become a leper?

8. Give the meaning of Shear-Jashub:

9. Give the meaning of Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz:

10. Who was Sennacherib?

11. Give the references for three key Messianic Prophecies.

13 Oswald T. Allis, The Unity of Isaiah , p. 122. For those who are concerned about the arguments for plural authorship (from vocabulary, linguistic evidence, style and ideas) see J. Sidlow Baxter, Explore the Book , Vol. 3, pp. 220-226.


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