The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

2. Also, Matthew quotes the same Isaiah as writing both sections of Isaiah.

For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah , saying [Matt 3:3] :

´7KH YRLFH RI RQH FU\LQJ LQ WKH ZLOGHUQHVV 3UHSDUH WKH ZD\ RI WKH /25' PDNH +LV SDWKV VWUDLJKWµ [quoted from Isa 40:3]. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says [Matt 13:14-15] : ´+HDULQJ \RX ZLOO KHDU DQG VKDOO QRW XQGHUVWDQG DQG VHHLQJ \RX ZLOO VHH DQG QRW SHUFHLYH« µ >TXRWHG IURP ,VD -10].

3. Luke 3:4-6 TXRWHV ´,VDLDK WKH SURSKHWµ ZULWLQJ ,VD -5 (in the last Section of Isaiah) as does John 1:23. In Luke 4:17 we have the synagogue VFHQH LQ ZKLFK -HVXV ZDV ´KDQGHG WKH book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was ZULWWHQµ DQG SURFHHGHG to read the text of Isaiah 61, DQQRXQFLQJ ´7RGD\ WKLV 6F ripture is fulfilled LQ \RXU KHDULQJµ RU DV The Message SXWV LW LQ FRQWHPSRUDU\ ODQJXDJH ´

12 Ibid, pp. 263-266.


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