The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

´7KH /RUG *2' KDV JLYHQ 0H WKH WRQJXH RI WKH OHDUQHG WKDW , VKR uld know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened My ear; and I was not rebellious, nor did I turn away. I gave my back to those who struck Me, and My cheeks to those who plucked out the beard; I did not hide My face from shame and spitting. The Servant explains the secret of His communication ability. He gains His educated tongue (or ability to speak and explain) from His early-morning presentation to the LORD, His PDVWHU ZKR RSHQV +LV HDU WR KHDU DQG XQGHUVWDQG *RG·V ZLOO IRU +LV OLIH -H sus knew this passage, and applied it well as He grew up. Note: Psalm 57:8; 88:13; Mark 1:35. This starting the GD\ ZLWK SUD\HU ZDV WKH VHFUHW RI -HVXV· SUD\HU OLIH 10

4. Isaiah presents the Suffering Servant. Isa 52:13-53:12 (presented in five stanzas)

Each of the five sections focus on a special aspect of the saving work of Christ. The following chart shows how Christ is revealed in each stanza and how each presentation matches DQG IXOILOOV D W\SH RI RIIHULQJ PHQWLRQHG LQ ,VUDHO·V Law. Bible readers start their reading of the majestic Isaiah 53 with verse 1. Actually, a careful H[DPLQDWLRQ RI &KDSWHU PXVW VWDUW ZLWK ´%HKROG 0\ 6HUYDQW µ



Typified in Offering

1. 52:13-15

Burnt Offering

The Wholehearted Sacrifice vs 13, ³0\ 6HUYDQW VKDOO SURVSHU´ DQG ³%H OLIWHG XS´ vs 14, His visage and form ³PDUUHG PRUH WKDQ DQ\ PDQ´ vs 15, Many nations shall hear; even kings will consider The One with Perfect Character vs 1, Who has faith to believe this message? vs 2, Spiritually nourished, but physically unimpressive vs 3, Despised, rejected, grief-stricken, disdained The Atonement that issues in peace with God vs 4, Borne our grief, carried our sorrows, smitten and afflicted vs 5, Wounded, bruised, chastised ± but we are healed! vs 6, Wandering sheep, but He has taken the iniquity of us all The Price Paid for Transgression by the People vs 7, Oppressedand afflicted, but He did not complain vs 8, Imprisoned, killed for the transgressions of My people vs 9, Killed with the wicked, buried with the rich, but He was neither violent or deceitful 7KH 7ULXPSK RI 'HDWK WKDW &DQFHOOHG 0DQNLQG¶V 6LQ vs 10, The LORD was pleased to crush Him, to make Him an

2. 53:1-3

Meal Offering

3. 53:4-6

Peace Offering

4. 53:7-9

Sin Offering

5. 53:10-12

Trespass Offering



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