The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

ey caught escaping Judean ans), [and] es orBabyloni UHIHU WR DQ RFF probably

ns, mistreated the Edomites DVLRQ ´:KHQ

shared in its plunder. They (either by Philistines sacked ese controversial verses p

Jerusalem been com

DQG VROG WKHP DV VODYHV µ delight in its downfall, and salem was plundered and sacked solved. These completely 4 date The second alternative ; 2 tioned in 2 Chron 21:16f The Philistines (with Arabi giving the oyed Jerusalem,

WKHP D took de

etime date would be later (som Kings 8:20); this would p m Jerusale abians) invaded occasion a post-exilic date. adi ne of the Book of Ob Judgment of Edom (1-16) adiah 6)

after 586 B.C.) when the place Obadiah at an early of Jehoram m in the reign to be the best ate. These seem

e Babylonians ly or pre-exilic m (c. 844 B.C.), best possibilities.

date. T mentio destroy

Outline o

I. The J


(GRP·V3XQLVKPHQW -9) n 1. Title and Introductio 2. Her Pride Humbled ( 9) 3. Completeness of Dest (GRP·V 6LQ $JDLQVW -XGD 1. Violence Against Broth 2. 7KH ´(LJKW 6KRXOG 1R

n (1) 2-4)

2 4) Destruction (5-9)


K -14) ther (10-11) RWVµ -14)

II. The D

he Day of the Lord (15-21)

A. B.


s (15-16) HO 21) -21)

The Famil

«Z amily Feud Started


nd the two nations they wou , telling her the edwoman b, so she in her womb, were couple prayed, and Rebekah UDKDP·V VRQ ,VDDF PD Ab m] [Esau/Edo other And the One people will be stronger Two peoples shall be separa nations are in [rival] ´7ZR ey babies were brought for al anguish of travailing bir At last released from the ed wide and her jaw dropp gh

would produce. internal struggle prefigur e anxiously inquired of the conceived. Soonshereali ebekah and twenty DUULHG 5HEHNDK ld pr viewing and cuddling. sagged with r rth, Rebekah e months of womb movem µ . shall serve the younger [Jacob/Isra r than the other rated from your body; n your womb, el], /Isra sly these were obviou ² ped g. g

red the future antagonism e LORD (Gen 25:22). God ealized that the severe jostli . ty childless years passed

ism between her d spoke to the ling indicated . Desperately

sons an troubled twins were the cou

Her eyes relief. The ement and

two ba the final opened

identical twins! not were eye

The Zondervan Pictorial QH\ JHQ HG Encyclopedia of the

4 Bible, Vol. )RU DQ LQ

(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975), p 4 Q GHSWK GLVFXVVLRQ VHH $ . +HOPEROG

pp. 479-482. ³2EDGLDK %RRN RI ´ 0HUULOO & 7HQQ


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