The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

Th The Book of Obadiah h

Obadia this was youmigh Israelite RI ´2E h tio ed i th Old was a common name becaus might easily have been name te family in the middle of th badiahs mentioned in the Old EDGLDK µ EXW LI \RX KDG EH do not know You probably kn KLSHU RI WKH /25' µ ´6HUYDQ y over a child: ealing to parents wishing carries a deeply spiritu & OO G ´ K lif G·VJUHDW lated one of Go gs from the Hebrew prop This one-chapter book, th &DOOHG ´WKH PRVW KLJ om. V YLROHQFH DQG SULGH f feud that had persisted tioned had to do with the fu Ed endicular cliff, overlookin Like an impregnable rocky scended from Esau) located sou Edom no longer exists, bu KROGV KLJK XS LQ WKH URFN\ Edomites would go ou QV« ´5DLGHUV RI WK eir stories (as ce into the deepcanyon leadi s, Isaiah, Jeremiah,Ezekiel a prophets who prophesied UH WKHP WKDW *RG·V MXGJP ·V SURSKHF\ DSS Obadiah among otly debated issue verses 11-14 occurred in H to determine the date wou rom an interpretive point of the book is The date y? L , p. 102 e New Open Bible Study Edition oneoftheoverseers whotook part in RKLG*RG¶VSURSKHWVLQDFDYH .LQ KRODUV DWWHPSW WR LGHQWLI\ WKH DXWKRU RI Encyclopedia of Biblical Proph Payne, (Gr +DOOH\¶V %LEOH +DQGERRN . Halley, KL gn ld it id Obadiah Prophesy of Edom (GRP· family mentio of Ed articulate writings perpen area. L descen VWURQJK FDQ\RQ for thei entrance Amos, Isa Otherp UHDVVXU The 10:5). 17:7); (3) SDODFHZKR RPH VFK S 2 J. Parton 3 HenryH 1 ´ZRUVK destiny appeali name When D this hotly whenver to way vital fr

the ninth century B.C., HHQ D VRQ ERUQ LQWR DQ ow anyone by the name t! ld T because there are thirteen amed Obadiah. We know 1 This ld Testament! or QW RI WKH /25'µ to cast a prophetic al meaning, most iritu

\JRUJHV µ out on raiding expeditions 3 ). KH /RVW $UNµ leading to Edombecause it Hollywood mo against Edom were PHQW ZRXOG FRPH RQ WKLV D SDUHQWO\ ZDV QRW JLYHQ LQ editi aidin ing a valley of marvelou ci fortress, their capital ocky south of the Dead Sea in t but in the mid-ninth centu edicti KO e principles while pronou ophets, was the message he smallest in the Old Testame predictive book in th JKO\ for two thousand years, f uture of Judah and Edom book in

MXGJPHQW RQ lmination of a ything se ever n the kingdom prophet that earliest of the hi imp the mountain YHG KLJK LQ D of the Mt. Seir nation (mainly eir impregnable mystical setting arved, red-rock bl

ZLWK*RG·V inally ending om), Obadiah shows the culm (because µ ire Bibl th onouncing divinejudgment on ssage of a simple, obscure stament and perhaps the 2 (bec the entire Bible their d h velous beauty, far back in th ´FDUY city was Sela (Petra), the mountainous terrain o tury B.C. it was a fierce n ons, and then retreat to their provides a mysterious, my movies like to show the car



lachi. kiel and Ma

g scholars has not y, and Hebrew histor would be to pinpoint . The only of view debatable, but not

IL e of Nehemiah (Neh. cities of Judah (2 Ch. WKH RIILFHU LQ $KDE¶V $K

24. repairing the temple under Josiah (2 C RQHRIWKHRIILFLDOVVHQWRXWE I WKLV ERRN ZLWK RQH RI WKH RWKHU WZHOYH (Grand Rapids:Baker Books, 199 hecy rand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1965, 24 IL

Chr. 34:12); or (4) a priest in the time h the law in the c E\ -HKRVKDSKDW WR WHDF H KHUHDUHIRXURIWKHSURVSHFWV ³ W 6 [1980]), p. 418. ed.), p. 361.


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