The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
VWDWHPHQW ´'R \RX QRW NQRZ WKDW \RX DUH WKH WHPSOH RI *RG DQG WKDW WKH 6SLULW RI *RG GZHOOV LQ you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. µ ,Q ERWK UHIHUHQFHV ´\RXµ LV LQ WKH *UHHN SOXUDO LQGLFDWLQJ WKH %RG\ RI &KULVW 3HWHU VHHPV WR KDYH WKH VDPH SHUVSHFWLYH ´«\RX DOVR DV OLYLQJ VWRQHV DUH being built up a spiritual house, D KRO\ SULHVWKRRG WR RIIHU XS VSLULWXDO VDFULILFHV DFFHSWDEOH WR *RG WKURXJK -HVXV &KULVWµ 3HWHU Regardless of how a person generally interprets the last chapters of Ezekiel ² the visions of the returning Glo U\ WKH OLYLQJ ZDWHUV WKH DZDNHQLQJ RI ,VUDHO WKH GHVWUXFWLRQ RI *RG·V HQHPLHV and the wonder of God being in the midst of His people - these are concepts indeed glorious and
wonderful. Imagine, Ezekiel (and Daniel too) reeling under the impact of these awesome signs and wonders. Undoubtedly, they wondered much about what all these things meant, or as Peter described the prophets: ´2I WKLV VDOYDWLRQ WKH SURSKHWV KDYH LQTXLUHG DQG VHDUFKHG diligently, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the suffering of Christ and the glories that ZRXOG IROORZµ 3HWHU -11).
Throughout (]HNLHO·V YLVLRQV DQG PHVVDJHV WKHUH LV WKH KDUG FRUH RI UHDO IDFW HP bellished with mysterious, heavenly symbols of divine intention. The main meanings of the striking symbols are clear. The vastness of the dimensions in the vision indicate the transcendent greatness of the final temple and city. The various cube measurements symbolize their Divine perfection. In the description of the sacrificial ritual we see the absolute purity of the final worship. The marvelous waters gushing from the sanctuary foretell fullness of life, and worldwide blessing. 7KH UHWXUQLQJ RI WKH 'LYLQH ´JORU\ µ QHYHU WR GHSDUW DJDLQ -7), tells of sin forever removed and of righteousness finally triumphant; ZKLOH WKH SXWWLQJ RI -HKRYDK·V WKURQH ´LQ WKH PLGVW forever µ H[SUHVVHV WKH ever-enduring glory of the consummation. These, then, are the main ideas symbolized concerning the temple and worship and city of the coming age ² transcendent greatness, Divine perfection, absolute purity, fullness of life, world-wide blessing, sin forever removed, righteousness finally triumphant, and Jehovah Himself in the midst, reigning in never-ending glory. 28
28 Baxter, pp. 34-35.
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