The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
Śǯȱȱ ¢ȱȱ ȱ¢ȱȱ ȱŘřDZřŚDZȱȃ Ƿȱ ȱȱȱȱȱ¢ȱȄǵȱȱ In the previous verse, Jesus cried ǰȄȱ O ǰȱ ǰȱȱȱ ȱȱȱdz ȱȱ ȱ ȱȱȱ¢ȱȱdzȱ¢ȱ ȱȱ ǷȄ Couple this with Jesus VWDWHPHQW LQ 0DWWKHZ ´,W LV ZULWWHQ ¶0\ KRXVH VKDOO EH FDOOHG D KRXVH RI SUD\HU · EXW \RX KDY e PDGH LW D ¶GHQ RI WKLHYHV ·µ 7KH -HZV UHMHFWHG WKHLU 0HVVLDK , His house and the kingdom He represented. The consequence of His rejection was the above statement and the destruction of +HURG·V 7HPSOH DQG -HUXVDOHP LQ $ ' E\ WKH 5RPDQ DUP\ QRWH /XNH 21:20-24). 5. The present land and Jerusalem could not accommodate this vast reconstruction. &RQVLGHU WKDW (]HNLHO·V 7HPSOH FRXOG QRW SRVVLEO\ EH FRQWDLQHG RQ 0RXQW =LRQ LQVLGH -HUXVDOHP LW takes a space one mile long by one mile wide -- a space as large as he whole city enclosed by the walls of old Jerusalem. Also, consider that the total VDFUHG DUHD RU ´REODWLRQµ LV D VZDWK RI ODQG PLOHV QRUWK DQG south, 47 miles east and west. And, this great area does not include the site of the present Jerusalem ² in fact, this will not be Jerusalem; this new city will have the name THE LORD IS THERE ( YHVH Shammah), Ezekiel 48:35. The new temple is placed fourteen and a quarter miles from the center of Jerusalem! To make all this fit the present topography, the Jordan River will need to be rerouted and numerous hills, mountains and valleys leveled. 27 6. The waters flowing from the Temple. The temple of the vision is west of the watershed, but the waters are to flow eastward, requiring physically impossible changes in the surface of the earth. Also the purifying of the Dead Sea would require fresh water flowing into it and an outlet. This great ULYHU RI SXUH ZDWHU LV FHUWDLQO\ D EHDXWLIXO V\PERO RI WKH +RO\ 6SLULW·V DFWLYLW\ EXW VHHP s entirely inappropriate for literal fulfillment. 7. The Land of Palestine is not big enough to accommodate all the redeemed! Abraham was promised that his descendants (seed) would be like the stars in number. When Jesus returns all those Jews and Gentiles who are accounted as faithful descendants of Abraham will be raised from the dead and live and reign with Him a thousand years on a totally cleansed, sanctified earth (2 Peter 3:10). 8. The re-instituting of animal sacrifices (43:13-27, etc). Some claim such sacrifices will be in commemoration of Calvary. Is this not DQ LQVXOW WR WKH 1HZ 7HVWDPHQW DQG WKH SHUIHFW VDFULILFH RI -HVXV· once-and-for-all sacrifice for atonement (Hebrews 10)? Do we really think that when the glorified Lord is Himself visibly reigning on earth such a system of artificial commemoration could be needed or perpetuated? Also, it will not be necessary to re-introduce circumcision, for the hearts of all the redeemed will already be circumcised! And, Jesus Himself has reinstituted the best and only true worship ² worship in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23). It will not be necessary to observe the Feasts of Israel, they are already fulfilled in Christ our Passover, T KH +RO\ 6SLULW·V RXWSRXULQJ RQ 3HQWHFRVW DQG 7DEHUQDFOHV will be fulfilled at the Second Coming. 9. New Testament teaching is that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. So, why build a building? ´2U GR \RX QRW NQRZ WKDW \RXU ERG\ LV WKH WHP ple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom \RX KDYH IURP *RG DQG \RX DUH QRW \RXU RZQ"µ &RU $OVR &RU - 3DXO·V ILUVW
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