The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
Restoration of Israel (33:1-48:35)
A. The Return of Israel to the Land (33:1-39:29) B. The Restoration of Israel in the Kingdom (40:1-48:35)
Literary Features
A three-fold approach. The Book DIWHU GHDOLQJ ZLWK WKH SURSKHW·V FDOO easily divides into three sections:
1. Before the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. (1:1-24:27) 2. Against foreign nations (25:1-32:32) 3. 3URSKHFLHV RI ,VUDHO·V IXWXUH UHVWRUDWLRQ -48:35)
As we have seen in the other prophetic books, this three-fold approach is rather standard, 5 but the style and presentation of Ezekiel sets the book apart as very unique: ´D ERRN RI methodical VW\OH FDUHIXO GDWLQJ DQG GLOLJHQW RUJDQL]DWLRQ µ 6 A Holy Spirit emphasis. Although Ezekiel probably had not planned to be a prophet, he became one of the most famous -- with a prophetic book profoundly spiritual and transcendently mystical. His relationship with the Holy Spirit makes one envious. The reader is startled to find that Ezekiel speaks RI EHLQJ ´WUDQVSRUWHGµ by the Holy Spirit to geographical locations (3:12, 14; 8:3; 11:1, 24; 37:1; 43:5). Possibly, this was done in a visionary way, but the experiences to the prophet were so genuine that he talks of it as reality. The Holy Spirit is mentioned eight other times (1:12, 20, 21; 10:17; 36:26, 27; 37:14: 39:29). All this Spirit-sensitivity indicates a man totally dedicated to knowing and doing the will of God. A stickler for dates. $V )UHHPDQ VD\V ´:LWK WKH H[FHSWLRQ RI +DJJDL DQG =HFKDULDK QR RWKHU SURSKHWLF ERRN SURYLGHV VXFK IXOO FKURQRORJLFDO GDWD DV WKH ERRN RI (]HNLHO µ 7 In a way, it is refreshing to the modern reader to have things arranged systematically and chronologically, and to find that the prophecies can be dated with such precision. Ezekiel gives fourteen chronological notices: 1:1; 1:2; 8:1; 20:1; 24:1; 26:1; 29:17; 30:17; 20:20; 31:1; 32:1; 32:17; 33:21; 40:1. There are prophecies given between these dates (with no notice of delivery time) but their content blends well 5 The NIV Study Bible, p. 1228 : ³7KH WKUHH PDMRU SURSKHWV ,VDLDK -HU emiah, and Ezekiel) and Zephaniah all have the same basic sequence of message: (1) oracles against Israel, (2) oracles against the nations, (3) consolation for Israel. In no other book is this pattern DV FOHDU DV LQ (]HNLHO ´ 6 Wilkinson & Boa, Talk Thru the Bible, p. 215. 7 Freeman, p. 299.
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