The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
2. Medo-Persia
The Chest
The Bear , Raised up on One Side
The Ram 8:20 with Two Horns
and Two Arms of Silver
3. Greece
The Belly and Thighs of Bronze
The Leopard with four Wings and four heads The Fourth Beast with Iron Teeth
The Billy Goat 8:21 The Great Horn Becomes Four Horns
4. Rome
Two Legs of Iron
The Final Stage of the Fourth Kingdom in the Latter Days
The Feet and Toes
The Ten Horns
of the Fourth Beast
of Iron and Clay
The Messiah will establish His Kingdom
The Son of Man
The Stone cut without Hands
Daniel was also granted a dazzling vision of God, called ´7KH $QFLHQW RI 'D\V µ ZLWK PXOWLSOLHG WKRXVDQGV PLQLVWHULQJ unto Him. Judgment was pronounced upon the dreaded beast and ´WKH 6RQ RI 0DQµ made grand entrance into heaven (Daniel 7:9-14).
The Seventy Weeks Prophecy (Chapter 9) Daniel 9:24-27 is the most comprehensive prophecy of the Bible. Confined within the 490 years of its prophetic boundaries are six of the greatest divine objectives of all time. In DGGLWLRQ *RG·V DQJHO SUHGLFWV WKH DQRLQWLQJ RI WKH 0HVVLDK to the exact year, as well as His sacrificial crucifixion. The advent of the messianic Kingdom is indicated, and the strange period of three and a half years (mentioned five times in Revelation) clearly identified. This prophecy supplies the key to the proper interpretation of the last book of the Bible as well as the events of the last days. The prophecy of the Seventy Weeks is literally ´6HYHQW\ RI 6HYHQVµ or seventy sets of sevens. This unusual prophecy and interpretation are coupled with the first three essential segments of the chapter: f LUVW 'DQLHO·V UHDGLQJ R f Jeremiah 29:10 (12:1-2); second, the inspiring, exemplary prayer of intercession offered by Daniel (12:3); and finally the appearance of Gabriel to explain the prophecy. 'DQLHO·V UHDGLQJ RI -HUHPLDK -14. Living in the first year of Darius, the elderly Daniel continues his faithful devotional times with God. He does not just stumble upon this passage by
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