The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

2 . Another beast, a second, like a bear (7:5). This beast symbolizes Medo-Persia, just as ’ȱ‘Žȱœ’•ŸŽ›ȱŒ‘ŽœȱŠ—ȱ ˜ȱŠ›–œȱ˜ȱ Ž‹žŒ‘Š—Ž££Š›Ȃœȱ’–ŠŽǯȱ ‘Žȱ‹ŽŠ›ȱ‘Šȱ ˜ȱœ’Žœǰȱ‹žȱ‘Žȱ dominant and stronger side corresponded to Persia, the stronger of the dual alliance. Notice that on the upcoming chart in the third column, we have added an additional picture from Chapter 8:3 Ȯ the two-horned ram, one horn being greater than the other, showing yet a third image of Medo-Persia as it exerts power and dominion. 3. There was another, like a leopard with four wings and four heads (7:6). This beast pictures Greece, the third great nation. ȃ ‘Žȱ•Ž˜™Š›ȱ ’‘ȱ˜ž›ȱ ’—œ represents the speedy conquests of Alexander the Great (334-30), and the four heads correspond to the four main ’Ÿ’œ’˜—œȱ’—˜ȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ‘’œȱŽ–™’›ŽȱŽ••ȱŠŽ›ȱ‘’œȱž—’–Ž•¢ȱŽŠ‘ȱ’—ȱřŘřdzǯȄ 27 Greece is again described in the next chapter: Suddenly a male goat came from the West (8:5). This Billy Goat had a large, conspicuous horn, representative of Alexander the Great; the goat thoroughly trashed the ram. The notable horn, however, broke at the height of its power and was replaced by four other horns, ™’Œž›’—ȱ‘Žȱ˜ž›ȱŽ››’˜›’Žœȱ—˜ ȱ•Žȱ‹¢ȱ •Ž¡Š—Ž›Ȃœȱ˜ž›ȱŽ—Ž›Š•œǯȱ ‘’œȱŒ˜››Žœ™˜—œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ˜ž›ȱ heads on the leopard mentioned earlier. žȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ˜ž›ȱ‘˜›—œȱŒŠ–ŽȱȃŠȱ•’•Žȱ‘˜›—ǰȄȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ’œȱŽœŒ›’‹Žȱ’—ȱ Š—’Ž•ȱŞDZŘ 3-26. Many Œ˜––Ž—Š˜›œȱ’—Ž›™›Žȱ‘’œȱȃ•’•Žȱ‘˜›—ȄȱŠœȱ —’˜Œ‘žœȱ ™’™‘Š— es who ruled in Syria after 175 B.C. His rule in intertestamental times caused much suffering to the Jewish people. In chapter 7 Š—˜‘Ž›ȱȃ•’•Žȱ‘˜›—Ȅȱ ŠœȱŽœŒ›’‹ŽȱŒ˜–’—ȱž™ȱ›˜–ȱŠ–˜—ȱ‘ŽȱŽ n horns of the fourth beast which is generally interpreted to be the Antichrist of the last days. 4. A fourth beast, dreadful, terrible, exceedingly strong, with strong iron teeth (7:7). This is another rendition of the fourth world power (Rome) described ’—ȱ Ž‹žŒ‘Š—Ž££Š›Ȃœȱ›ŽŠ– to be as two legs of iron (very strong) that eventually become feet of iron mixed with clay (very weak). The feet with ten toes are usually compared to the fourth beast of Daniel 7:7 and the ten horns.

Dreams, ’œ’˜—œȱȱǭȱȱȃ ‘Žȱ ’–Žœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ Ž—’•ŽœȄ

Identification of the Four Kingdoms and the Final Stage

Chapter 2 Dream of the Colossal Image

Chapter 7 Vision of the Four Beasts

Chapter 8 Vision of Ram and Billy Goat

1. Babylonia

The Head of Gold

The Lion with

Š•ŽȂœȱ ’—œ


27 The NIV Study Bible, p. 1310.


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