The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
B. Daniel Interprets (4:19-27) C. 7KH .LQJ·V +XPLOLDWLRQ -33) D. 1HEXFKDGQH]]DU·V 5HVWRUDWLRQ -37)
V. Belshazzar and the Handwriting on the Wall (5:1-31) A. Defiling the Temple Vessels (5:1-4) B. Mysterious Writing on the Wall (5:5-8) C. Daniel Interprets the Words (5:10-29)
VI. Darius the Mede (6:1-28)
A. Daniel Promoted (6:1-3) B. 7KH .LQJ·V )RROLVK 'HFUHH -9) C. Daniel Continues His Prayer Habit (6:10-15) D. ,Q DQG 2XW RI WKH /LRQV· 'HQ -24) E. The Wise Decree (6:24-28)
'DQLHO·V 9LVLRQV RI )XWXUH +LVWRU\ VII. Four Beasts and the Little Horn (7:1-28) (During 1 st Year of Belshazzar) A. The Four Beasts (7:1-8)
B. The Ancient of Days (7:9-10) C. Destruction of Beast (7:11-12) D. Son of Man (7:13-14) E. Interpretation of the Four Beasts (7:15-22)
VIII. The Ram and Billy Goat (8:1-27) (During 3 rd Year of Belshazzar) A. The Ram with Two Horns (8:1-4) B. The Billy Goat with One Horn (8:5-8)
C. The Little Horn (8:9-12) D. Length of Vision (8:13-14) E. Interpretation of Vision (8:15-19) F. Interpretation of Ram and Goat (8:20-21): Media and Persia G. Interpretation of Little Horn (8:21-27): Greece
IX. The Seventy Weeks Prophecy (9:1-27) (During 1 st Year of Darius)
A. The Great Intercession (9:1-19) B. *DEULHO·V $SSHDUDQFH -23) C. The Meaning of the Seventy Weeks (9:24-28)
X. Future Vision of Israel and Gentile Nations (10:1-12:13) (During 3 rd Year of Cyrus, King of Persia) A. Daniel and the Heavenly Messenger (10:1-4) B. Revelation of the Sixty-nine Weeks (11:1-35) C. Revelation of the Seventieth Week (11:36-12:3) D. The Great Time of Trouble (12:4-13)
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