The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

PRPHQW·V WKRXJKW DQG hopefully figuring out how to pronounce the word), he announced his text and his topic for the forthcoming sermon: ´1H e-bock Had a Ra ]RU µ 7KH VHUPRQ KH VDLG ZRXOG IDOO LQWR VHYHUDO SRLQWV . Who was Nee-bock? 2. Where did Nee-bock get that razor? And, finally, 3. What did Nee-bock do with that razor? With great enthusiasm the preacher rose to the challenge and delivered what became one of the most famous sermons ever to be preached in that area. Some say, it is a true story! The first group of captives was taken from Jerusalem to Babylon in 606 B.C., about nineteen years before the destruction of Jerusalem and about eight years before Ezekiel the priest prophet was similarly carried away captive. It is hard to imagine Daniel and his three friends, all teenagers, joining the accumulating throng of captive people drawn from Ba E\ORQ·V VXEMXJD ted cities. Uprooted, disjointed, abruptly taken from a loving Jewish home dedicated to the ways and customs of God, Daniel was suddenly thrust into a violent world void of his beloved upbringing. 7KH WH[W GRHV QRW QDPH 'DQLHO·V SDUHQWV EXW LW LV DSSDUHQW WKDW he was of royal or noble blood (1:3). Josephus the Jewish historian says that Daniel and his friends were kin to King Zedekiah. 12 This background would possibly give them some preferential treatment and easier entry into the palace of Babylon, but this was still far from a comfortable situation.

Outline of the Book of Daniel

The Historical Half of the Book + Miracles

Preface: The Early History of Daniel (1:1-21) A. Taken to Babylon (11:1-7) B. Undefiled in Babylon (11:8-16) C. At the Head of His Class (11:17-21) I. Nebuchadnezzar and the Great Image (2:1-49) A. His Forgotten Dream Concealed (2:1-13)

B. Daniel Reveals the Dream (2:14-23) C. Daniel Interprets the Dream (2:24-45) D. 'DQLHO·V 3URPRWLRQ -49)

II. The Great Golden Image Erected (3:1-30)

A. Three Refuse to Worship the Image (3:8-12) B. Thrown into the Fiery Furnace (3:13-18) C. Unhurt by the Fire! (3:19-25) D. 7KH .LQJ·V &RQIHVVLRQ DQG WKH 0HQ·V 3URPRWLRQ -30)



IV. Dream of the Great Tree (4:4-37)

A. Nebuchadnezzar Tells His Dream (4:4-18)

12 Antiquities X.10.1.


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