Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

We met with Benny Hinn after the crusade meeting, and he told us Jan Crouch had asked him to pray over us. He prayed for supernatural protection, wisdom, anointing and favor over our team. God moved powerfully as he prayed for us. After his prayer, someone asked him, “Brother Benny, have you ever ministered in Haiti before?” Benny Hinn replied emphatically , “Once. I have been to Haiti once.” Then he emphasized, “There are BIG devils in Haiti. I only went there once. You must plead the blood, plead the blood, plead the blood in Haiti. ” We would soon discover what he was referring to. We spent the night at the TBN facilities in Miami that night. About two o’clock in the morning, I thought the roof was about to blow off the building. The wind was stronger than I had ever seen, and the rain was pouring down. We were caught in the middle of Hurricane Dennis. We grabbed our things, jumped into the van and drove to the Ft. Lauderdale Airport. The rain was pelting so hard, we could not even see one foot in front of the van. Our driver was driving by faith. When we got there, we had to park the van on the airport sidewalk to unload our luggage, musical equipment, and PA system we were taking to Haiti. This was to be an experience in the Lord we would never forget. Oh yeah. That passport I didn’t have when Bro Bill called me, I still didn’t have it. We were on our way to the airport in Florida and I still didn’t have my passport.

Fortunately, Bro Bill knew someone in Florida connected to TBN and we had set up the passport would


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