Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

noticed someone at the opposite end of the alley starting up their engine and she quickly yelled out, “Police, Police, here we are…get him…he’s here…come arrest him!” At the same time, she was flashing her headlights to draw attention. Of course, it wasn’t the police in the other car, but the pimp wasn’t taking any chances. He ran away as fast as he could. The rescue was a success! Shirley Martin and Charles McPheeters (the Director and Founder of The Holy Ghost Repair Service) even wanted to start a home to bring these girls to stay. Charles and Shirley would always say, “It is so hard to witness to the prostitutes and tell them, ‘We’ll be praying for you. Start living for Jesus – He died for you.’ Then we have to leave them on the streets to go back to the hotel with their pimp.” My heart was so moved by their compassion and zeal. I wanted someone to reach out to the prostitutes. I wanted someone to take them in. Someone other than me! I was not saying, “Lord, here am I. Send me.” 1 I was thinking more along the lines of, “Lord, here is Shirley, send her!” I knew I had nothing to say to those girls on the street. Like Shirley, I had never been a prostitute. I didn’t stop to think that Jesus had never sinned, yet He was a friend to sinners. My job would be to pray for a great harvest, for the prostitutes and their pimps to be saved. I would pray for those who went out on the streets to talk to them. That was my calling. After all, I had three little girls at home who were only two, four and almost six years old. I quickly discovered Jesus had other plans for my life. Well, my dear friend, Shirley, was VERY persistent. She asked me numerous times to join her and some other women on the streets to witness to prostitutes. In my kindest, most Southern way, I politely tried to tell her,


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