Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World
Chapter 2
I Knew He Would Send Someone
B ecause I am sometimes shy, I had never considered going out on the streets to witness for Jesus when we moved our family to Hollywood from the suburbs of Dallas, Texas. I have always considered myself a “support” person, working behind the scenes, all the while encouraging Bobby to fulfill God’s call. I have always been right alongside him (or right behind him) to give him an extra push if he needed it! It was 1981 and we were working with The Holy Ghost Repair Service. Their motto was “repairing broken lives for Jesus…in the power of His spirit.” I was working in the office doing clerical work which I thought was my call from God. One of our co-workers, Shirley Martin, was extremely outgoing and didn’t have a shy bone in her body! She was almost the female version of my husband. Shirley is called of God to minister to the “ladies of the night.” I prayed often for Shirley, and I was so excited that God had called HER to help girls trapped in prostitution. My heart went out to them. Shirley always had amazing stories to tell of her escapades on the streets reaching out to the girls. One night Shirley was rescuing a prostitute from a local motel. The girl needed to literally escape from her pimp to avoid the cruel beatings that were routinely a part of her daily life. Shirley and the young woman seized a window of opportunity for her to escape. Shirley was in her car in a dark alley behind the motel waiting for the prostitute. The girl jumped into the car when suddenly her pimp appeared right there in front of the car. Shirley
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