Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

Immediately, I laid my hand upon his back and began to pray for him. I prayed, “Father, I come to You in Jesus Name. ” I noticed many of the onlookers had bowed their heads. The man in distress was bowed over and rubbing his chest. Some flight attendants had gathered around. I continued praying for him and the Lord prompted me to pray for him in the Spirit, speaking in tongues. So, I began praying for him aloud in tongues, as the Spirit gave utterance, “Shan dai heliasai keaso metindo heasa chakeedio…” I prayed in an unknown language for another minute or so. I assumed since, in their minds I was a priest, that possibly the people thought I was praying in Latin. I finished my prayer for the man. I noticed a glass of water on the man’s food tray and since I know many priests use holy water when they pray and bless people, I stuck my fingers into the water and splashed just a little bit of it on his face. Then I made the sign of the cross and returned to my seat. I prayed to Jesus to heal the man having a heart attack. Nothing more was mentioned to me about the man during the six-hour flight to Los Angeles. When we landed in Los Angeles, the Captain had us all wait onboard while the medical personnel came aboard and took the gentleman out. As I deplaned, I looked out the plane window and saw the man sitting up on a gurney, talking to the paramedics. It appeared he was in good health and had recovered from whatever medical situation he was experiencing. Our God is a good God. I was so happy to be back in LA with Dot and our family.


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