Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

my gate, hoping and praying my plane had not departed without me.

Thank God, my plane had been delayed by a few minutes and it was still at the gate. Passengers to Los Angeles were still boarding the plane. Something very new I noticed was armed military security guards were at the gate, dressed in full military gear with bomb sniffing dogs on a leash nearby. I anxiously boarded the plane, let out a sigh of relief that I had made it, and took my bulkhead seat near the front of the plane. Whew!!! What a day. My thoughts took me back to earlier in the day and I was reliving the incredible service for Officer Houston. I was thanking God, he allowed me to get to know Anane and be a part of their journey. As the jet engines on my Jet Blue airplane throttled up and began to roar, I was already nodding off to sleep. Anyone who knows me or has traveled with me, knows I sleep better on airplanes than I do at home in my own bed. That is a great gift since I have flown millions of miles for ministry. I think God must have given me a special grace to sleep on airplanes, many times falling asleep even before the plane has taken off. We were probably about halfway to Los Angeles and I was almost completely asleep when I awakened to a voice speaking to me that I did not recognize. I heard a female’s voice say, “Father.” I was a bit coherent but did not respond. Suddenly, I felt several taps on my right shoulder as the female voice this time pleaded, “Father, we need you!” I realized the woman tapping me on my shoulder was a Jet Blue flight attendant. In my sleepy daze I was asking myself, “Do I know you? ” I could not fathom why


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