Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

scenario played itself out over and over. Sadness and grief hung over the city.

As we caught subway trains and cabs to get around, it was becoming all too common to see armored vehicles, tanks and military personnel carrying heavy weapons in full battlefield dress, stationed alongside the streets in communities that before 9/11 had just been quiet, family neighborhoods. This was definitely a war zone. Tuesday night came and we were all ready for Tuesday night prayer meeting at Abounding Grace. As we gathered in the sanctuary, there was a hint of excitement throughout. I kept hearing promises of a praise report that would be brought forth at the prayer meeting. I kept hearing “praise report, we have a praise report.” I was anxious to hear a praise report after so much grief and sadness. Finally, as we all crowded into the wooden pews and prepared for the prayer meeting, one of the staff at Abounding Grace brought us all to attention and once again said, “We have a praise report.” I kept thinking to myself, “What is the praise report tonight? Someone please tell me.” From the front of the church, I heard, “The praise report is, they found the body. Officer Uhuru Houston’s body has been recovered.” “What ? ” I was questioning. What kind of praise report is, “They found his body?” The crowd began to tepidly praise the Lord, because the body of Port Authority Officer Uhuru Houston had been recovered from the rubble at Ground Zero.


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